Author: Pankaj Kumar

Pankaj Kumar is a senior professional holding 10+ years of experience in CRM, Email Deliverability & Marketing Analytics, Deliverability Onboarding, Implementation, Deliverability Automations He has worked with a broad range of clients to provide strategic, data-driven guidance to increase email delivery, subscriber engagement and revenue. He also helps marketers through this blogs in preparing strategies, data analytics, deliverability, and CRM with a passion for helping email marketers exceed subscriber expectations. You may connect with him on LinkedIn at

4.2.0 Email Bounce Error Reason Unknown Issue With Mailbox: Delayed Message The email message has not yet been delivered because of a problem of some sort with the recipient’s email inbox. How to fix? Check the recipient’s email address for misspellings or missing letters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. 4.2.0 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of some temporary condition has caused abandonment or delay of attempts…

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4.1.9 Email Bounce Error Reason Message Routed To Non-Email System: Delayed Message The email message has not yet been delivered because recipient’s domain is not set up to handle email. How to fix? Check your recipient’s domain in the recipient’s email address for misspellings or missing letters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. 4.1.9 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of some temporary condition has caused abandonment or…

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4.1.8 Email Bounce Error Reason Sending Address Is Bad Or Can’t Accept Replies: Delayed Message The sending email system either does not exist or cannot accept return email and so email message has not yet been delivered. How to fix? Review the sender’s email address to identify any misspellings or missing letters in the domain part of the email address. In the settings or options of the sender’s email program, ensure that the sender’s email address is entered correctly. If the problem persists, contact the sender’s email support team to see if they can help troubleshoot further. 4.1.8 – Official…

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4.1.7 Email Bounce Error Reason Sender’s Address Is Written Incorrectly: Delayed Message The email message has not yet been delivered because the sending address is not a valid email address. How to fix? Review the sender’s email address to identify any misspellings or missing letters. In the settings or options of the sender’s email program or webmail service, ensure that your own email address is entered correctly. 4.1.7 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of some temporary condition…

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4.1.6 Email Bounce Error Reason Email Address No Longer Accepts Or Forwards Messages: Delayed Message The recipient’s email address no longer accepts email messages and so the email message has not yet been delivered (even though it did in the past). How to fix? Check the recipient’s email address for misspellings or missing letters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. 4.1.6 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of…

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4.1.5 Email Bounce Error Reason Valid Email Address: Delayed Message The email message has not yet been delivered even though the recipient’s email address is a valid email address. How to fix? If the email address you’re using is correct and your recipient can receive emails to their inbox, then you could contact the email provider for help. 4.1.5 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of some temporary condition has caused abandonment or delay of attempts to send…

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4.1.4 Email Bounce Error Reason Multiple Mailboxes For Recipient: Delayed Message The recipient’s email address belongs to more than one email inbox and their email provider is confused which one to use and so email message has not yet been delivered. How to fix? Check the recipient’s email address for misspellings or missing letters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. If necessary, contact the recipient another way to confirm their email address. 4.1.4 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is…

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4.1.3 Email Bounce Error Reason Email Address Malformed: Delayed Message The recipient’s email address is not a valid email address and so email message has not yet been delivered. How to fix? Check the recipient’s email address for spaces or unusual characters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. If necessary, contact the recipient another way to confirm their email address. 4.1.3 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A persistent transient failure is one in which the message as sent is valid, but persistence of…

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4.1.2 Email Bounce Error Reason Domain Name Of Email Address Not Valid: Delayed Message Because the recipient’s email provider says that the recipient’s email address does not exist or unable receive email, the email message has not yet been delivered How to fix? Check the recipient’s domain name in the recipient’s email address for misspellings or missing letters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. If necessary, contact the recipient another way to confirm their email address. 4.1.2 – Official definition from ITEF For the code that starts from 4.X.X A…

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4.1.1 Email Bounce Error Reason User Name In Email Address Not Valid: Delayed Message Mailbox of the recipient’s email address is invalid or doesn’t exist and due to this message not yet delivered. How to fix? Check the username part (that means before ‘@’ of an email address) of the recipient’s email address for misspellings or missing letters. If an error is found, correct it in contacts list or address book for next time. If the address looks correct, there might be an issue with the recipient’s domain. If necessary, contact the recipient another method to confirm their email address.…

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